Casting Designer software from C3P Engineering
Software International can handle both High Pressure
as well as Low pressure casting simulation is available
as standalone software as well as integrated with
all popular MCAD system.
Cast-Designer CPI is CAE technology built from day
one specifically for integration within the MCAD
design process. This innovative software puts fluid
flow analysis, heat transfer and solidification
analysis into the hands of the same people who are
responsible for developing the casting, mould and
making engineering decisions.

Cast-Designer for MCAD was fully integrated into
the PRO-E system. After the casting design, one
button can shift to Cast-Designer working environment
for gating system design as well as the 3D casting
data could be transfered automatically.

Same as the standalone version. Cast-Designer
for MCAD has full functions for casting system design
(gating system, overflow, cooling and venting system),
as well as better data integration.

Finally, the designed casting system would be
brought back to PRO-E system automatically for assembly
or link to CAM for manufacturing. The advanced features
of MCAD system still could be used free, such as
Boolean operations, filleting and surface cleaning
CAST-DESIGNER CPI gives you high-end capabilities
without the headaches. It is full spectrum fluid
flow, heat transfer and solidification simulation
built specifically for die casting product and mould
design engineers using existed CAD system, such
as UG NX, Pro/E and SolidWorks.
With CAST-DESIGNER CPI, your CAD geometry drives
the simulation process. When you make a design change
in MCAD system, you see the change instantly in
CAST-DESIGNER CPI in a few seconds. It’s hassle
Cast-Designer CPI for MCAD brings the project
and data management to die casting industrial. It
is absolutely important for designer and engineer.
Since so many design plans and simulations will
be carried out in the practical engineering work,
we can not always use the filename to manage data
and project. How to generate the design and simulation
report is also very important.
Four level data structure was introduced in Cast-Designer
Project level
- Design version to manage design geometry
- Simulation version to manage mesh of design
- Run version to manage simulation condition
and parameters.
Cast-Designer is a software package special designed
for casting business, includes the casting part
design and evaluation, mould design and validation
and production optimization.
Cast-Designer combined the KBE system, design
system and last CAE technology together; it is a
tailor-designer casting planning & simulation system
for all casting process.
Cast-Designer could be used for high pressure
die casting, low pressure die casting, gravity casting
for sand, gravity casting for permanent mould, investment
casting and many others.
Salient Features of Cast Designer

Full Mould & Cyclic Analysis
Cast-Designer mould solution provides the
detail analysis and modeling capabilities for
the full mould set.
The full mould analysis could be used for:
- A more accurate temperature analysis.
It is usually necessary for the permanent
mould gravity casting since the filling
time was longer and the mould thickness
plays an important role in the heat transfer
- The mould cycling analysis for a stable
temperature distribution during the production
cycles.Reduce the cycle time to improve
production rate Optimize spraying condition
- The mould thermal analysis to check
& improve mould life time. Optimize die
cooling or tempering condition
- The stress analysis to consider the
full mould.
- The detail cooling system analysis.

Stress & Distortion
With the Cast-Designer mechanical stress
module, the user can make the stress and distortion
analysis. The following result could be obtained
after the simulation:
- Casting and mould stress distribution
- Part deformation and distortion
- Compensation for part deformation and
- Displacements
- Gap formation between the casting and
- Predict elastic springback
- Hot tearing
- Die life fatigue

Cooling System Design
Cooling channel Calculator & Advisor Wizard
Cast-Designer introduced a cooling channel
calculator, it can help the user calculate the
total length of the cooling channel with a given
production rate. The utility considers many
factors such as the part mass and casting alloy,
mould size, production rate, cooling channel
diameter, media flow speed and heat affection
rate. The final result will be a cooling channel
diameter and total length.
Now Cast Designer includes One-Button Cooling
System Design from Version 6.2
Fast Cooling Anlysis
Cast-Designer introduces fast cooling system
analysis method to help designer check the cooling
system design at the very early stage, it is
fully integrated to the cooling system design
interface and the user can get result within
3 to 5 minutes.

Production Optimization
The production optimization package could
be used for die casting and permanent mould
companies to optimize their casting cycle to
achieve the best balance of quality and cycling
time. A short cycling time is not only save
operation cost but also save the investment
for equipment and workshop.

Full Chain Simulation
The simulation result of Cast-Designer also
could be exported to other CAE system for a
full chain simulation. For example, the porosity
and residual stress result of casting process
could be exported to other structure analysis
software for part performance analysis or life
time simulation.
Cast-Designer can export the following results:
- Temperature distribution in any time
- Porosity result after the solidification
- Stress and strain result after the solidification
and cooling
- Filling factor during the filling process
Both MSC Nastran and NEI Nastran file format
could be exported from Cast-Designer directly,
the porosity result has assigned to different
material type and properties during the data
export. For other system, the user can make
a very simple user route to read it from the
ASCII CDF format, which has been documented
on the Cast-Designer manual.